‘Saturday Night Live’ jabs Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and other Republican lawmakers for endorsing Donald Trump

“Saturday Night Live” mocked a group of Republican senators for endorsing former President Donald Trump, even after he criticized those GOP lawmakers.

Comedians portraying Sens. James Risch, R-Idaho; Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; Tim Scott, R-S.C., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., celebrated the former president’s victory in the South Carolina Republican primary at a fictional gather on Saturday.

“There was never any doubt,” Marcello Hernández, acting as Rubio in the show’s opening sketch, said. “I guess Trump owns the Republican party now.”

“Yeah, I’ve got to admit though, sometimes I do not know what my party is doing,” SNL’s Mikey Day, portraying Risch, replied.


“I mean, I’ve been pushing for Ukraine funding for the past six months. It’s essential to American security, and Trump just killed it with one phone call. The man doesn’t care about this country one iota,” he added, before admitting that he wholeheartedly endorsed the former president.

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In reality, Risch is the top Republican on the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee and has pushed for additional U.S. aid to Ukraine for months.


The “lawmakers” continued complimenting Trump and discussing their endorsements while reflecting on Trump’s nicknames for them and other insults.

“You know he once doxxed me? Yeah, back in 2015 he gave out my personal cell phone number in a speech to all his supporters. Had thousands of his people call me up to yell at me, threaten my life, had to get a new phone,” the fictional Graham said, before adding “but you know what, I still think he’s the greatest president” since former President Ronald Reagan.


Trump in 2015 did share Graham’s phone number, calling him a “lightweight” and an “idiot” after the South Carolina lawmaker criticized him.

However, the latest “Saturday Night Live” episode didn’t just reference Trump’s supporters in Congress. The show also contained a sketch about the $399 sneakers the former president recently unveiled at a Philadelphia convention.


As comedian Shane Gillis put on the shoes, he began acting and speaking like the former president, including insisting that his basketball skills improved.

“They gave me the power to say I’m good a basketball, then double down on that until people actually start to believe it,” Gillis said in the skit.

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